Aug. 2007: FEMA announces its intention to change Southwestern Illinois’ flood insurance designation as part of its national Flood Map modernization process. Based on deficiencies related to under seepage and the advanced age of the old pumps and drainage tiles, the Corps of Engineers (COE) determined the levees are not adequate and need repair to be certified as providing protection at the 100-year flood level. Without certification by the COE, FEMA’s new maps would show the levees as deaccredited, and designate substantial portions of the American Bottoms Area as a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Residents and businesses within the SFHAs would be required to purchase flood insurance and adhere to new elevation standards for construction of any new buildings once the new maps become final.
Jan. 2008: East-West Gateway coordinates submission of an AR or “Restoration” Zone Application, working in concert with the officials from the affected communities and counties, in order to have the region’s AR request reflected on revised draft floodplain maps scheduled for release in early summer 2008. The AR status recognizes that the levees are being restored and allows for a 10-year timeframe to complete repair work on the levees. Under the AR Zone designation, most residents and businesses will be required to carry federal flood insurance when the maps are finalized, but at a reduced rate. In addition, there will be new requirements on construction, but fewer than within an “unprotected” flood zone.
April 2008: Sponsored by State Sen. Bill Haine of Alton, SB 2052 passes on April 16, providing any or all of the three affected counties the option to establish flood prevention districts. These districts, with final approval from the County Boards, would have the power to enact up to a quarter-cent sales tax dedicated to funding the levee repair work. Elected officials in Madison, St. Clair and Monroe counties acted swiftly following passage of the bill and established Flood Protection District (FPD) Commissions within their respective jurisdictions and voted to authorize the tax.
June 2008: FEMA releases preliminary version of updated flood risk maps for the Illinois counties of Madison, St. Clair and Monroe, reflecting the deaccredited status of the levees and showing substantial portions of the American Bottoms area as a SFHA, but with the AR Zone designation. The release of the preliminary maps marked the start of an estimated 12-month processing/review period before the maps would become final.
Sept. 2008: In response to a request from U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and U.S. Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL), FEMA agrees to delay the release of new Metro East flood insurance rate maps until the remapping is completed for the entire St. Louis region, giving Metro East leaders additional time to make further progress with the levee restoration efforts that were already underway. While residents in the flood hazard areas would still be encouraged to secure flood insurance, there would be no required – or possibly forced – purchase of insurance until the entire region has been remapped and the finalized maps are in place.
Jan. 2009: The three-county-wide sales tax goes into effect.
June 2009: The Flood Prevention Districts (FPDs) for Madison, St. Clair and Monroe counties form the Southwestern Illinois Flood Prevention District Council. The joint council will facilitate continued collaboration between the three FPDs as they work together to oversee the restoration of the Metro East levee system. One of the council’s first actions was to hire a Chief Supervisor of Construction and the Works to help accelerate the restoration process.
July 2009: FEMA restarts clock on the 90-day map appeals process and 12-month finalization of the revised flood insurance rate maps.
July 2009: U.S. Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL) introduces legislation, H.R. 3415, that would prevent changes to the current FEMA flood insurance rate maps from being implemented in areas where there is an active effort underway to fix the levees. The effect of the bill would be to freeze current insurance rates in place, preventing the requirement for mandatory purchase of flood insurance from being implemented. The freeze would be in effect until the levees are certified at the 100-year flood level, or for seven years as long as the criteria for plan implementation outlined in the bill are met. Press Release
Jan. 2010: FEMA announces that given the amount of comments received and other required administrative steps, the new maps for the Metro East and broader St. Louis region are now expected to be finalized no sooner than early 2011.
April 2010: Estimates prepared for the FPD Council indicate that flood insurance premiums could conservatively amount to $50 million annually for the area if the American Bottom is classified as a SFHA and we do not get any relief from mandatory flood insurance.
May 2010: FEMA announces that, through an administrative change, the National Flood Insurance Program will be implementing a measure to help ease the financial burden of property owners affected by the flood remapping process across the country. Eligibility for its Preferred Risk Policy – the program’s lowest-cost flood insurance policy – is extended for two years following the effective date of a map change for owners of buildings newly shown in SFHA.
May 2010: The FPD Council receives proposals from three design teams who were chosen to submit conceptual design proposals and cost estimates for improving the levees. These teams were charged with developing cost-effective design concepts, with the principal goal of achieving levee certification at the lowest cost and in the shortest time.
June 2010: A team of local and national engineering firms lead by AMEC Earth & Environmental Inc. is selected by the FPD Council to design and manage the levee improvements. AMEC’s proposed restoration project would take 2 1/2 years and cost an estimated $129.5 million, which the FPD Council considers just a preliminary estimate until the full scope of the project is known.
July 2010: The U.S. House passes H.R. 5114, the Flood Insurance Reform Priorities Act of 2010, which contains provisions written by U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello that would prevent mandatory purchase requirements for flood insurance from taking effect for five years. The bill also phases in flood insurance rates over an additional five years. Press Release
September 2010: The St. Louis Metro East Levee Issues Alliance launches on September 8. This growing coalition of business and civic organizations, community leaders and concerned citizens is working together to gain sufficient time and funding to bring the Metro East levees up to new federal standards. The Alliance, which will be administered by the Leadership Council Southwestern Illinois, will serve as the organizational framework for the regional, bi-partisan public/private effort to help prevent the devastating economic outcomes of the FEMA’s unchecked actions for the St. Louis region as work continues to improve the levees. Press Release
September 2010: In mid-September, the 25 affected communities, three Metro East counties and the Flood Prevention District FPD Council received a letter from FEMA advising them of the updated process and schedule for finalizing the flood insurance rate maps for our area by December of 2011. Click here and check out the links under the Correspondence header for more details.
November 15, 2010 : The state’s attorneys of Madison, St. Clair and Monroe counties, along with a group of municipalities, individuals and the Leadership Council Southwestern Illinois file suit in federal court against FEMA and its director, Craig Fugate. The action was taken reluctantly but was deemed the only option left to invalidate the new flood insurance rate maps that FEMA plans to issue next year. (Related News Releases)
March 2011: Congressman Jerry Costello introduces HR 898 which would prevent Federal Emergency Management Agency flood hazard maps from taking effect in areas where an active effort is under way to upgrade flood levees.
March 2011: FEMA agrees to senators’ request to end “Without Levees” policy in modernizing flood maps.